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Saturday, 22 June 2013

Seagate 5mm Laptop Ultrathin HDD promises big storage for small spaces

The new Laptop Ultrathin HDD from Seagate is really, really thin.
The new Laptop Ultrathin HDD from Seagate is really, really thin.
As an answer to Western Digital's WD Blue hard drive, Seagate today announced the Laptop Ultrathin HDD, the company's first 5mm hard drive.

Ultrathin and ultralight
The new drive belongs to the thinnest class of standard hard drives to date, some 25 percent more compact than a 7mm internal drive and almost half the thickness of the traditional 9.5-inch drive. The drive is as thin as three credit cards stacked together, and weighs just 3 ounces.
This new level of thickness means the hard drive can be used in more applications, including desktops, laptops, ultrabooks, and also future tablets.
The new Ultrathin HDD next to a traditional 9.5-inch hard drive.
The new Ultrathin HDD next to a traditional 9.5-inch hard drive.

Standard design
The drive has a standard 2.5-inch design with a regular SATA port. This is different from the WD Blue, which uses the new edge card connector. This means the Ultrathin HDD can be used anywhere current 2.5-inch hard drives are used without an adapter or special cable. It'll also fit in ultrabooks and mobile devices for a large amount of storage space.
The Ultrathin HDD supports the latest SATA 3 (6Gbps) standard but also works with SATA and SATA 2. The drive supports hardware self-encryption (SED) when used with a supported host. The new drive's chassis is made of steel, making it a lot sturdier than other 2.5-inch hard drives that use an aluminum cover.
The Seagate Laptop Ultrathin HDD is available now in 320GB and 500GB capacities. The 500GB version is estimated to cost $89.