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Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Xbox one preorders get free FIFA14 in europe,to fend off PS4

Xbox One preorders get free FIFA 14 in Europe, to fend off PS4
Microsoft is trying to seduce European gamers with a free sports game when you preorder. There's no word yet on what the U.S. will be treated to.

Gamers in Europe who preorder the Xbox One will get a free copy of popular football game FIFA 14, Microsoft has confirmed.
European customers will enjoy the newest version of the footie franchise for free "while stocks last," the company confirmed at the Gamescom trade show in Germany -- a move that's surely designed to fend off competition from Sony's cheaper PlayStation 4 console.
The deal also applies to existing preorders, so there's no need to feel left out if you've already thrown down money for the new console. A FIFA 14 bundle will also be available to buy, for 499 euros, or 429 pounds, which is the starting price of the Xbox One.
So far there's no word on what manner of software treats U.S. gamers can look forward to, but expect similar freebies to be offered when the Xbox One goes on sale.
The move will be designed to make the Xbox One's price tag -- $499 in the U.S. -- more palatable. If there's a decent game chucked in, that could make gamers more willing to splash the cash on a pricey system.
Since its debut earlier in the year, Microsoft's newest console has come under fire from critics and gaming fans, who were unhappy about the high price and restrictive game-sharing policy.
In a bid to win gamers back, the company has since backtracked on that unpopular policy, also removing the need to connect to the Internet every 24 hours.
Only time will tell whether these adjustments can give Microsoft the power to fend off competition from Sony, but I'm curious to know -- which system are you supporting? Let me know in the comments below, folks.