This lock's even smarter than we thought
The good:The Kwikset Kevo packs a lot of subtle smarts into a little device. The indoor/outdoor sensor worked flawlessly, never once letting us in when it shouldn't have.
The bad: Calibrating that sensor was a bit tricky, taking multiple attempts to get right. Also, phones that aren't equipped with Bluetooth 4.0 aren't yet able to interact with the Kevo.
The bottom line: If you've got a compatible smartphone, you'll be hard-pressed to find a better smart lock than this.
Keys. Who needs 'em?
Not the Kwikset Kevo, that's for sure. With the Kevo (licensed out from UniKey), you'll be able to unlock your deadbolt just by tapping on it, thanks to the built-in Bluetooth 4.0 capable of detecting the smartphone in your pocket. Don't have a smartphone? Don't worry about it -- the Kevo comes with a handy keychain fob that'll let you tap your way inside, too. You can even use the free Kevo app to send friends and loved ones "eKeys" to let them in when you're not around. And for purists, rest assured that the Kevo still functions like a standard mechanical lock, with keys and everything.
This idea of smartening up our deadbolts is something we've heard a lot about for the past year or so, with upcoming products like the Lockitron, August, and Goji striking it big through crowdfunding and good old-fashioned word of mouth. But talk is cheap, and smart locks are expensive -- $219, in the Kevo's case, about seven times the cost of a standard Kwikset deadbolt. Is kissing our keys goodbye really worth such a price?
I certainly wasn't convinced that it was -- but then, I got my hands on a Kevo to try out for myself. After installing, calibrating, and testing the thing out, I was thoroughly impressed by how strongly the Kevo performed. Kwikset has a winner here, and by beating the other new smart locks to the scene, the Kevo looks like the deadbolt to beat for the title of smartest lock. Some consumers, particularly those with Android phones that aren't currently compatible with Bluetooth 4.0, might want to wait to see what the competitors bring to the table (or the door), but aside from that, I'd basically recommend it to just about anybody.
The Kevo looks like a regular old deadbolt...until you tap on it.
It's the little things
Tapping your way into your home has some clear appeal, especially if you're carrying an armful of groceries. Surprisingly, some of the Kevo's best features are its least noticeable.
First, Kwikset seems to have eschewed the kinds of design touches emblematic of an expensive device, and considering the fact that this is likely going to sit on the outside of your home, I'd say that's wise. I'm not sure that I'd feel comfortable bolting a conspicuously fancy appliance to my front door, as you will be if you go with Goji or the August. Unlike those sleek, modern, space-age-y smart locks, the Kevo looks like any other boring deadbolt. By not advertising itself as a pricey piece of hardware, it isn't likely to draw unwanted attention to your front door.
You can only really tell this lock is special when you touch it. When that happens, a ring of blue LED lights will spin around the lock, indicating that it's thinking about whether or not to grant you entry. If it detects your phone or your fob's presence, the lights will turn green and the lock will open (if you're locking it, the lights will turn yellow.) If your phone or fob is too far away for the Kevo to key in on its precise signal, the lights will turn magenta, telling you to stand a bit closer and try again.
The magenta lights mark another subtle, yet strong design feature. They'll only appear if the Kevo is certain that you're outside. If it thinks there's even a chance that you're inside your home, it'll only show the spinning blue LEDs, then nothing. Why is this important? Let's say you're inside the house and someone unsavory is at your door. If not for the inside/outside distinction, they could simply tap the lock, see the magenta lights, and know that you're nearby inside. It's a little touch that highlights Kwikset's commitment to your privacy and security.
Tap the calibration button on the interior of the lock to activate indoor/outdoor detection. If you have any trouble, just scan the QR code for assistance.
Calibration is key
The Kevo determines whether you're inside or outside your home thanks to a clever calibration process that teaches the lock how to make the distinction. It's perhaps the Kevo's most crucial feature -- without it, leaving your phone sitting on a table near the front door would mean that anybody with skin could waltz up to your stoop and unlock your deadbolt. It's the number-one thing that I wanted to test out, and thankfully, it's a feature that works flawlessly. I tested it again and again, from every conceivable angle, and not once did the Kevo unlock when I didn't want it to. Kwikset errs on the side of safety here -- you'll basically have to stand right on your doormat in order for it to reliably recognize you 100 percent of the time. Take a step to the left or a step to the right, and that number will drop to 80 or 90 percent. Leave your phone inside, even right up next to the door, and it drops to 0 percent.
The Kevo determines whether you're inside or outside your home thanks to a clever calibration process that teaches the lock how to make the distinction. It's perhaps the Kevo's most crucial feature -- without it, leaving your phone sitting on a table near the front door would mean that anybody with skin could waltz up to your stoop and unlock your deadbolt. It's the number-one thing that I wanted to test out, and thankfully, it's a feature that works flawlessly. I tested it again and again, from every conceivable angle, and not once did the Kevo unlock when I didn't want it to. Kwikset errs on the side of safety here -- you'll basically have to stand right on your doormat in order for it to reliably recognize you 100 percent of the time. Take a step to the left or a step to the right, and that number will drop to 80 or 90 percent. Leave your phone inside, even right up next to the door, and it drops to 0 percent.
According to Kwikset's instructions, calibrating the indoor/outdoor detection seems like it should be painless enough -- just tap the calibrate button on the indoor side of the lock, hold your device against the lock for a few seconds, then step outside. The lock will glow green, and, with the phone or fob that you're calibrating in your pocket, you'll simply tap the lock three times. That's it.
Except that really isn't it. After those three taps, the lock will either flash green for a successful calibration, or red for an unsuccessful one. As simple a process as it sounds, it took me about a dozen attempts to get it right. I tried doing it with my phone in my pocket, as instructed. Red flash. I tried holding the phone up in the air. Red flash. I tried stepping back as far away from the lock as I could. Red flash. Nothing seemed to work. Finally, I tried it with my phone tucked into my shirt pocket, putting it at roughly an even height with the lock, and this got me the green flash.
I spoke with some of the folks at Kwikset about this, and they acknowledged that calibrating can take multiple attempts to get right. They're aware that it probably isn't as easy as it should be, and to their credit, they've done about as good a job as they can of managing the issue. The Kevo's manual is very clear about the importance of calibrating, and it walks you through the process with illustrated step-by-step instructions, warning you outright that you might need to try repositioning the phone a few times in order to see green. If, after multiple attempts, you can't get it to work, there's also a number you can call for help. Additionally, all of these step-by-step instructions are located conveniently within the Kevo app.
With Kevo's app, you can keep track of who's coming and going, and when.
About that app...
Once you're up and running, you can use the Kevo app to send eKeys to friends, family, and anyone else who may require entry into your home. These eKeys are really just an e-mail message instructing them on how to download the Kevo app and authorize their phones to open your lock. You'll be able to see when people "accept" the eKeys you send out, and you'll also be able to see when everyone is coming and going on a handy timeline. If needed, you'll also be able to delete or temporarily disable those eKeys, too.
Once you're up and running, you can use the Kevo app to send eKeys to friends, family, and anyone else who may require entry into your home. These eKeys are really just an e-mail message instructing them on how to download the Kevo app and authorize their phones to open your lock. You'll be able to see when people "accept" the eKeys you send out, and you'll also be able to see when everyone is coming and going on a handy timeline. If needed, you'll also be able to delete or temporarily disable those eKeys, too.
However, unlike with some other smart locks, you won't be able to send out eKeys that only work at a certain time, or that automatically expire on a certain date. You'll need to manage all of that manually, which is a little bit disappointing. Another minor bummer is that while the first eKey you send out is free, each one thereafter will cost $1.99. This doesn't bother me that much -- after all, that's about what you'd pay to get a normal key copied. Still, copying a normal key requires parts and labor. Charging for eKeys is just something that Kwikset does because, well, it can.
Another minor quibble is that your iPhone will vibrate and make the "new mail" sound whenever you activate the lock. I like feeling that buzz in my pocket and knowing that the process is working, but the app doesn't currently offer a way to change the sound, or mute it completely. Look for that to change in the near future as the app gets updated.
All that said, my favorite part of the app is that you can sort of forget about it. Unless you're managing multiple eKeys, you can safely store it out of sight in a folder once you're all set up, because you won't ever need to run it in order to open your lock. Your phone can be asleep in your pocket, and as long as you have Bluetooth turned on, it'll work with the Kevo.
The app looks stylish, but it isn't quite as intuitive as I'd like. I found myself getting a bit lost looking for specific functions, unable to remember which icon to press in order to find my way. It's the kind of thing that I'm sure you'd get used to with repeated use, but as I just wrote, I'm not sure that I'd be using the app all that regularly. To be fair, this also means that the app's ease of use really isn't that big of a deal, at least not to someone like me.
Android users will be stuck using the fob for touch entry, or a plain old key -- at least for now.
Because the Kevo lock isn't connected to the Internet, you also can't use the app to control it remotely like you can with other smart locks. If my friends called me while I was at work and needed to get into my place for some reason, I wouldn't be able to unlock the door for them through the app. I could send them an eKey, but if they don't have a smartphone with Bluetooth 4.0, they're out of luck.
That brings us to the true elephant in the room. Since the Kevo relies on Bluetooth 4.0, it currently only works with compatible iOS devices (iPhone 4S and newer, iPad 3 and newer, or the fifth-generation iPod Touch). Android 4.3, BlackBerry 10.1, and many other smartphone operating systems don't use compatible Bluetooth hardware, so they can't use the Kevo. That's an awful lot of people left locked out.
Kwikset's people say that they hope Bluetooth 4.0 will expand to these devices soon, and as soon as it does, they promise to be ready shortly thereafter. In the meantime, they suggest that slighted Android users simply use the key fob for touch-to-open entry, then migrate to their phones as soon as the hardware becomes available. We'll see how that plays, but I suspect it'll end up sending a fair deal of business toward the Lockitron, Goji, and August -- all three of which are supposed to support both iOS and Android devices.
The Kevo is available in three different finishes.
Modern smarts, classic parts
Compatibility issues aside, the Kevo is a pretty appealing piece of hardware. Its greatest competitive edge over the other new locks headed our way is that it comes from such a reputable manufacturer. Kwikset has been in the deadbolt business for 67 years, and this means that the company has more than a few tricks up its sleeve when it comes to making locks.
Compatibility issues aside, the Kevo is a pretty appealing piece of hardware. Its greatest competitive edge over the other new locks headed our way is that it comes from such a reputable manufacturer. Kwikset has been in the deadbolt business for 67 years, and this means that the company has more than a few tricks up its sleeve when it comes to making locks.
For starters, Kwikset can brag about the fact that its locks are tested to the most stringent lock picking, bumping, and physical security standards. Add in the Kevo's multiple layers of digital encryption, and, while no lock, digital or otherwise, is perfect, it's clear that Kwikset takes your security seriously. Additionally, the Kevo uses Kwikset's very cool SmartKey rekeying technology, which will let you manually alter the lock to fit a new key in just a few minutes, with no need to remove it from the door or call a locksmith. If you want your new Kevo deadbolt to work with the same key you use for the knob lock, you're in luck.
The interior half of the lock is definitely larger than your average deadbolt.
Like many Kwikset locks, the Kevo is available in three common exterior finishes -- Satin Nickel, Polished Brass, and Venetian Bronze -- so you shouldn't have any trouble matching it to your door's decor. As for the interior half of the lock, it's definitely larger than a standard deadbolt (after all, it has to house the Kevo's motherboard, along with the batteries that keep it powered). The size wouldn't bother me, but for some, it might be too much of an interior footprint. I wouldn't be at all surprised to see Kwikset try and shrink the design down a bit for the next generation of Kevo deadbolts.
Kwikset also knows how to make locks that are easy to install, and the Kevo is no exception. You don't need to be Bob Vila to get this thing into your door -- all you'll need is a screwdriver and about 15 minutes, tops. The Kevo is designed to easily adjust to doors of different thicknesses, so if you aren't sure how thick your door is, you'll want to grab some measuring tape, too.
You can install the Kevo in about 15 minutes using only a screwdriver.
Service and maintenance
The Kevo runs on four AA batteries, which come included and should last about a year before you need to replace them. When the batteries are running low, you'll receive notifications within the app, and the lock itself will also flash red. The key fob also has a flashing light that'll let you know when its CR2025 battery is running low.
The Kevo runs on four AA batteries, which come included and should last about a year before you need to replace them. When the batteries are running low, you'll receive notifications within the app, and the lock itself will also flash red. The key fob also has a flashing light that'll let you know when its CR2025 battery is running low.
In the event that you lose your phone, you can log on to Kevo's Web portal and delete it from the lock. You can also initiate a hard reset on the lock itself. You'll need to use the key or the key fob to use the lock until your find your phone or replace it. If you need to replace a key fob, or if you'd like an additional one, they're available for purchase as standalone accessories directly from Kwikset.
The Kevo comes with a lifetime warranty on the mechanics and finish of the deadbolt, along with a one-year warranty on the lock's electric components.
$219 is a lot to pay for a deadbolt, and I can already hear the jokes about keys never needing to have their batteries replaced. But the Kwikset Kevo is much more than just a novelty. It's a step forward. It's the kind of device that makes us reimagine what technology can bring to our daily lives. And yes, it's downright cool.
$219 is a lot to pay for a deadbolt, and I can already hear the jokes about keys never needing to have their batteries replaced. But the Kwikset Kevo is much more than just a novelty. It's a step forward. It's the kind of device that makes us reimagine what technology can bring to our daily lives. And yes, it's downright cool.
Maybe the best thing that I can say about the Kevo is that it just works. Once you've got it installed and calibrated, it's effortless and elegant, with the right kind of subtle smarts that actually serve the user experience, rather than distracting from the device's original purpose. Kwikset's team didn't reinvent the deadbolt here, and they didn't need to. They just made it a whole lot better.