Google grappling with 70,000 'right to be forgotten' requests
The search giant's plight reveals the challenges inherent in trying to comply with a controversial and complex law.
is having a tough time dealing with a new European law that requires it
to remove links to search results upon user request.
In a column published Thursday for The Guardian, Google chief legal officer David Drummond said that since May when the "right to be forgotten" ruling went into effect, the company has received more than 70,000 takedown requests
encompassing 250,000 individual webpages. In most cases, Google's team
is reviewing the requests from users who provide limited information and
not much context.
In May, the European Union Court of Justice
ruled that European citizens have a right to ask search engines to
remove any results that might infringe upon their privacy. Google
quickly condemned the decision, calling it a "disappointing ruling for
search engines and online publishers in general." The ruling itself puts
the burden on search engines to review takedown requests, determine
which ones are valid and which are not, and then take the appropriate
action. The ruling also falls firmly into the neverending debate between
privacy versus the public's right to know.
Drummond said that
Google still disagrees with the ruling but is doing its best to comply.
That's not an easy task since the tests used to determine which search
results should be removed are "very vague and subjective," he added.
chief legal officer also cited examples of just a few takedown
requests. Former politicians want links to critical posts removed.
Violent criminals ask that articles about their crimes be taken down.
Career professionals want bad reviews deleted. In some cases, people
have even asked that links to comments they wrote about themselves be
The messy aspect of the ruling came into play last week after Google removed a link to a 2007 BBC story
from its search results, prompting concerns from the British
broadcaster. In response, independent computer security analyst Graham
Cluley told CNET that attempts by individuals to remove information from
search results have the potential to backfire.
To determine which
requests should be granted, Google's team takes a few factors into
account, according to Drummond. Is the information about a celebrity or
other public figure? Does it come from a credible news source? How
recent is the information? Does it involve political speech? Does the
information come from a government? Still, no matter many criteria the
team adopts, the outcomes will "always be difficult and debatable
judgments," Drummond acknowledged.
To try to ease the process,
Google is setting up what Drummond called an advisory council of
experts, which will be announced on Friday. The goal is to incorporate
people from the media, academia, the tech sector, data protection, and
other areas to provide independent advice to Google as it struggles to
deal with a law that it clearly doesn't like but is obligated to follow.