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Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Celebrity rumor: A Facebook app only for VIPs

The problem most celebrities have is that they can't get enough of people talking about them.
If 15 minutes go by without some affirmation of your fame, you might be a has-been. And who wants to be that?
The world's most sensitive company to personal needs -- Facebook -- seems ready to respond to VIP angst.

The word in the VIP section of the social-networking club is that the company is testing an exclusive app for celebrities.
There, so AllThingsD reports, Jay Z can mind his peeps and questioners, in real time, all the time.
At heart, Facebook wants celebrities to post more. Oddly, this might make Facebook look good.
A Facebook spokesperson confirmed AllThingsD's information, in so far as admitting that a mobile app -- one that allows the exalted to interact with the unwashed -- was being tested.
Those with eyes that droop from years of witnessing the gall of fame will worry. Could it be that Facebook feels it's a little less famous than Twitter? Especially among the famous.
Where Twitter holds a touch of glitter, Facebook bears the weight of billion family exchanges on subjects as deep as dinner and babies.
Twitter tends to be the trendy place to exhort your Beliebers and Little Monsters. It has a sense of immediacy. It's the place where real news happens.
"American Idol" has a pause to see who's tweeting what about the show. Twitter hashtags can be news in themselves.
Twitter is even the chosen arena for the famous to self-destruct.
Facebook? Oh, that's the place unsuccessful restaurants in Arizona self-destruct, right?
It would be fascinating to discover which celebrities are testing this new VIP area in Club Facebook.
I cannot confirm that the list includes Paula Deen, Mel Gibson, John Edwards, or a Twitter-eschewing Anthony Weiner.
I also cannot confirm that the rumors are exaggerated and that Facebook is merely accommodating the brilliant Ghanaian hiplife group, V.I.P.